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Gain by Joining Hands with OCF

Welcome to a new layer of dentine expertise-- as part of OCF. Thereby imparting an edge to your practice by the following:-

Benefit to practice

Counseling by you is important. Verbal information and advice given by you makes an impact and you can also have written information in form of leaflets or brochure in clear and simple language for patients.

Transform your dental clinic as a unique clinic

A unique clinic providing oral cancer screening and reminders about unhealthy lifestyles. Avail the opportunity and acquire the skills to screen for pre-cancerous lesions, including areas of leukoplakia (an abnormal white patch of cells) and erythroplakia (an abnormal red patch of cells). Leukoplakia and erythroplakia lesions on the mucous membranes. This involves a step-by-step value addition to your knowledge. This comprises :-

Step-by-step Head and Neck Evaluation

The first step in screening for oral cancer is completion of a patient history, which should include:

  1. Family History of Head and Neck Cancer.
  2. Review of Oral Habits and Lifestyle.
  3. Obtain background information related to risk for oral cancer, including tobacco use, alcohol consumption and dietary or nutritional status.

  4. Pertinent Signs and Symptoms.

Identification of a persistent white patch in the mouth, a nonhealing ulcer, a lump or bump, submucosal fibrosis, spontaneous or unexpected oral bleeding, paresthesia, dysphagia or trismus warrants further investigation. If any of these conditions persists for more than 3 weeks following removal of identified etiologic factors, re-evaluation or referral for further investigation (or both) is recommended.

Equipment required for visual inspection includes a tongue depressor or mouth mirror, gauze and a good light source for the following.

  1. Extraoral examination
  2. Intraoral examination

If lesions are seen in the mouth, learn about the following procedures to find abnormal tissue that might become oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer: